Only such bows may be called a Hungarian Bow, which:
- was either made based on an actual 9-11th century bow remnant, or
- which was fabricated based on the stated and below descripted general parameters (shape, relation, size) of an analysed 9-11th century Hungarian bow.
This is all paired by a defined shape, material and fabrication technique.
- Az íj húrnyereg (húrütköző, húrzsámoly) nélkül, the bow is built with non-contact ears (without stringbridges),
- the ears and the grip are typically stiffened with plates,
- the plates of the bow should typically be fabricated of red deer antler.
- the total length of the bow, measured on the belly side is no more than 1500 mm (the distance of the ear-tips, unstringed),the total length of the bow, measured on the belly side is no more than 1500 mm (the distance of the ear-tips, unstringed),.
- the ear plates' length is 220mm at least, but no more than 280 mm,
- the ear plates are stiffening the ear from the knee to the tip,
- the the ear-forehead (above nock)height of the plates are 40mm at least,
- the minimal length of the grip plates is 100mm, but no more than 200mm.
- the angle of the grip is no more than 180°,
- when the bow is stringed, the angle of the ears is no more than 45°,
- the width of the limbs is no more than 45mm,
- the string of the bow should be made of natural material,
- for coating, protecting the bow, only natural material should be used (e.g. birch bar, skin),
- the structural elements of the bow shall not contain artificial materials (e.g. synthetic glue).
Exceptional cases
The bow should be named/titled with an additional adjective, which is materially doesn't comply with the definition or the parameters (e.g. contain artificial material). In this case the bow shall be called „Hungarian shaped” or „Hungarian form”.