Magyar Íj Alapítvány
The founder, for an indefinite period, establishes a foundation as a legal entity, in order to facilitate the research and reconstruction of the historical Hungarian bow, and familiarize it and its fabrication and practical usage with the sons of Hungarian and other nations, within and outside of the borders.
The goal of the foundation
  • keeping the 9-11th century Hungarian bow (hereafter: Hungarian Bow) as a Hungarikum,
  • the familiarization and popularization of the Hungarian Bow in Hungary and abroad, as a Hungarikum,
  • supporting the research regarding the Hungarian Bow,
  • organizing and supporting the fabrication, testing, documentation, exhibition and use of the Hungarian Bow reconstructions,
  • facilitating the marketing, identification and distinctness of the authenticated Hungarian Bows,
  • facilitating and/or publishing the issues regarding the Hungarian Bow.

