Magyar Íj Alapítvány

Uploading the data of Hungarian Shaped Bow

The form is exclusively for uploading modern material Hungarian bow data,
judging bow or bowset.


Before you start filling out the form consisting of several pages, we advise you to write the data on a paper. The questions of the form may be viewed initially in the guideline found here, which can be printed to gather the data.

Do not forget to take at least three pictures of the bow in quiescence, stringed and strained state, and save them on a computer. If it is possible for you, we are glad to accept more pictures, showing the details of the bow (ears, limbs, grip) from different angles.

May you have any question, contact us via any of way you see fitting.

After collecting the data and saving the pictures on the computer, you may start filling the form.

Data of the applier (1/7)

Billing data
