The founder
Dr. Péter Vámosi Ph.D.
ophthalmologist, the head of department of Péterfy Sándor Street Hospital
He has always been interested in the ancient history of the Hungarians, therefore interested in everything regarding this culture. Learning about the beginning of declaration of the Hungarian Bow as a Hungarikum, with inviting the initiators, he decided to establish the Hungarian Bow Foundation, which targets the wide popularization of this noble instrument.
Members of the Board of Trustees
Péter Bencsik - the co-representative and the professional leader of the foundation.
He is a professional military officer as well as an engineer.
The magic of archery and experimental archaeology (bow making) touched him in 2002, which he has been practicing - as declared - in a non-commercial way in his free-time. His primary interests are the weapons of the Hungarian conqueror ancestors. He has made several bow reconstructions based on bow remnants from 9-11th century graves in the Carpathian Basin.
László Borbély - the co-representative and the manager of the foundation.
In plain clothes is the executive director of a business organization, and journalist
He got acquainted with archery in 1994. First he bought an 'ancient Hungarian' bow, then a compound bow, with which he became Hungarian champion, national record-holder and selected contender. He used to be the president of Hungarian Archery Association, the captain of the target archery youth team. He has been to several archery contests and archery centers from Asia to America. In South-Korea he attended an international coach training course. His disciples has made more than half hundred national records and finished on podium in European Championships.
Between 1998-2001 and 2005-2008 the member is the Hungarian Olympic Committee, from 1995 to 2001 is the editor in chief of the self-published Archer Magazine, member of the Hungarian Society of Sport Science for several years.
Dr. Árpád Kenéz Ph.D.
Environmental economics agrarian engineer, archaeobotanic
in plain clothes is the director of Milk Testing Laboratory of Livestock Breeding Performance Testing Ltd.
Started archery in 2008. Basically he was interested in the culture and the related researches of the conqueror Hungarians. His archaeobotanic-related doctoral studies confirmed him regarding this. In his free-time he made smaller botanical researches regarding late Avar, Conquering age and Árpád-era artefacts, currently he is developing wear of the 8-9th century archer nations based on archeologic findings and descriptions.
Author and co-author of several dozen scientific and informative articles, books regarding inland and international archaeobotanic and country history.