HUNGARIAN BOW trademark |
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of the 9-11th century Hungarian Bow, as for complying Hungarikum bow |
formally, in sizes complying the 9-11th century Hungarian bow, |
The trademark provides a product and service a particular, distinguishing nature, thus ensuring the customers may distinguish the products and services from each other. That trademark plays an exclusive role in marketing and the market competition. (Source:
The owner of a trademark (in this case the Hungarian Bow Foundation) is entitled to a specific product and its creator to use the trademark, and monitor the usage authorization and compliance regarding that trademark.
The regulations regarding the gaining and using the trademark are found in the Hungarian Bow Foundation Trademark Regulations.
The two trademarks of the Foundation can be used to distinguish the bows that
- participate in the jury organized by the foundation and there receive a positive judgment,
- and the trademark holder makes a contract with the Foundation to use the trademark.
Shops and traders may use the Foundation's trademarks as below.
- They may use that trademark, which is related to the bows they are selling in their retails.
- Bows provided with the trademark of the Foundation are given a distinct place in the store.
- The shop manager makes a contract with the Foundation to use the trademark.
Tournament organizers (e.g. foundations, teams, associations) may use the trademarks of the foundation if they undertake
- that in archery competitions they organized, they classify and assess the participants with HUNGARIAN BOW and HUNGARIAN SHAPED BOW trademarks
- and make a contract with the Foundation to use the trademark.
Further information are found in the Trademark Regulations, the Order of judging is found under the Services menu.
The Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Bow Foundation has created two trademarks in order to facilitate the identification, popularization and spread of the bows complying with the parameters of the 9-11th Hungarian bow. For obtaining, using, monitoring the use, if deemed necessary the suspension and revoke of the trademarks, the present Trademark Regulations of the Board of Trustees is applicable.
I. Basic principles
- The goal of the Hungarian Bow Foundation (hereinafter: Foundation) is to draw attention of the customers to the horn bow complying the parameters of the 9-11th Hungarian bows considered as Hungarikum, and to the non-horn bows (using modern materials) complying these same parameters.
- The trademarks prove the historical authentication of these bows and their creditable appearance, but at the same time the Foundation does not guarantee and take responsibility for the quality, usability and safety of these bows.
II. The subject of the trademark
Name of the trademark: HUNGARIAN BOW
- Issue of the trademark: see to the right
- Type of the trademark: colored-figured
Name of the trademark: HUNGARIAN SHAPED BOW
- Issue of the trademark: see to the right
- Type of the trademark: colored-figured
The scope of the trademark according to the Nice Classification System:
- Products
Class 28: bows
- Services
Class 35: retail and wholesale commerce, advertisement, marketing
III. The scope of those entitled to the trademark
- The trademarks of HUNGARIAN BOW and HUNGARIAN SHAPED BOW may be used by those bow owners, bow makers, bow vendors and competition organizers, who voluntarily agree to comply the terms and conditions of the Trademark Regulations and sign the corresponding trademark usage agreement.
- The right to use the trademark by the Foundation under the contract and terms, is not exclusive and the Trademark user named in the Agreement may not transfer it to any other person in any form or extent.
IV. The requirements of obtaining the trademark usage
- The bow maker is entitled to sign the trademark usage contract, when he or she participates in the jurisdiction of the Foundation with the bow he/she made and receives a positive judgement. (The order of judgement can be seen here.)
- The owner of the bow obtains right to sign the trademark usage contract, when - after meeting the terms on the judging - he/she participates on the jurisdiction of the Foundation with the self-made bow and obtains a jurisdiction number.
- The bow vendor obtains right to sign the trademark usage contract, if he accepts to place the bows with trademarks in a distinguished place of the business, (distinctly the HUNGARIAN BOW and the HUNGARIAN SHAPED BOW), and the Board of Trustees of the Foundation consider the method of exhibition in place of business (the shop) appropriate.
- The competition organizer obtains right to sign the trademark usage contract, when he/she accepts to classify the competitors with bows provided with HUNGARIAN BOW and HUNGARIAN SHAPED BOW trademarks to distinguished classes during the archery competitions.
V. The duration of right to use the trademark
- The right to trademark usage of a HUNGARIAN BOW or a unique HUNGARIAN SHAPED BOW is related to a specific bow and its durations is from the date of the judgement until the lifetime of the bow.
- The duration of right to trademark usage related to a HUNGARIAN SHAPED BOW set is five (5) years from the sign of the contract. If the set receives a positive judgement before the last jurisdiction, the contract is extended with another five (5) years.
- Duration of trademark usage obtained by a bow vendor is three (3) years since the sign of the contract.
- The right to trademark usage obtained by competition organizer is valid until conditions of IV. 4. are kept.
VI. The fee of right for trademark usage
- The fee of right for trademark usage for bows and bow sets provided by jurisdictional number is 0 HUF. (see: fee of judgement.)
- The fee of right for trademark usage obtained by a bow vendor 20 000 HUF per shops and trademarks.
- The fee of right for trademark usage for competitions organizer is 0 HUF.
VII. The appearance of trademark
- The trademark needs to appear as defined in the Image Guideline. If a unique or unclear needs occur, the Foundation may help and give unique authorization.
VIII. Register and publicity
- The Foundation registers and publishes the data of those who sign the trademark usage contract. (See also: The order of judging.)
- The Foundation may register the following data regarding the trademark usage contract signing bow vendors and competition organizers.
- name of shop
- organization name of head (responsible person)
- address of shop / organization
- web address
- e-mail address and/or telephone
- information regarding the right of trademark usage.
- The information in Part 1 and 2 is accessible by anyone through the website of the Foundation. Accepting this is prerequisite to contracting.
IX. Monitoring the trademark usage
- The Foundation under the duration of the trademark usage contract may monitor anytime the compliance of trademark usage.
- If the trademark user anytime learns about unauthorized usage of the trademark by a third person, he/she immediately needs to report it to the Foundation.
X. Unauthorized trademark usage
- The trademarks can be used only by being contracted with the Foundation, and can be used until the corresponding duration.
- In case the trademark user is not using properly the trademark, or uses that in an unfitting environment, and doesn't stop that activity after a warning, the Foundation is entitled to unilaterally, immediately terminate the contract.
- If anyone, anywhere, anytime in an unauthorized way uses any trademark of the Foundation, the Foundation warns the usurper to cease the action. If after seven (7) days of warning regarding the usurping, the usurper does not cease the corresponding action, he/she is bound to pay a fee of 300 000 (three hundred thousand) HUF penalty for every month started to the Foundation.
- If the legal usurper, despite the warning, does not cease the unauthorized usage of trademark, the Foundation shall apply to the competent judicial authority for legal remedies.