The uploading of data of the Hungarian Bows
The form is exclusively for sending data about Hungarian bows
in case of applying for the jurisdiction of the Hungarian Bow of the Year.
Before you start filling out the form consisting of several pages, we advise you to write the data on a paper. The questions of the form may be viewed initially in the guideline found here, which can be printed to gather the data.
Do not forget to take at least three pictures of the bow in quiescence, stringed and strained state, and save them on a computer. If it is possible for you, we are glad to accept more pictures, showing the details of the bow (ears, limbs, grip) from different angles.
May you have any question, contact us via any of way you see fitting.
After collecting the data and saving the pictures on the computer, you may start filling the form.
Data of the applier (1/7)
Data of parts of the bow (3/7)
Parameters of the string (4/7)
String of natural material
String of synthetic material
Brief description of making technology (6/7)
number of wooden cores, shaping, etc...
We gladly accept any further information which makes the decision of the jury easier!
Uploading pictures (7/7)
Please send at least three pictures about the bow in quiescence, stringed and strained state. If it is possible for you, we are glad to accept more pictures, showing the details of the bow (horns, limbs, grip) from different angles.
Unfortunately sending files is not available for an uncertain period of time due to technical issues, so we ask you to step further in the form, and send the picture with the free Mammutmail ( service to the hungarikum (at) magyarij (dot) hu e-mail address.
The requirement for sending the data
Thank you for your application!
You still have to download a statement clicking here, print and fill out, sign, then send it to the following address:
Magyar Íj Alapítvány – 2100 Gödöllő, Kossuth Lajos u. 13. 2/37
Few days after the deadline we inform you about the next steps.