Magyar Íj Alapítvány
The Hungarian Bow is a symbol! It is inseparably connected to our ancestors' way of life, who settled down in the Carpathian Basin. It is well-known by those who are concerned with the history of Europe and the era of the migration, within and outside of our borders. There was a time, when we used this weapon better and more efficient than anyone else, for hunting or fighting. With great certainty can we say that we owe our nation's survival to 'It'.

The identification of the Hungarian Bow
The Hungarian Bow from the 9-11th century is a member of the composite horn bows' family, used by the nations living in the Eurasian steppe; it can be easily distinguished from the other members of this 'family of bows'. From the 9-11th century graves, explored in the region of the Carpathian Basin, more than 300 graves contained remnants of bows (ear and grip plates fabricated from deer antlers), which is considered to be a significant amount in whole Eurasia. Thereby the 9-11th century found findings give us a world-wide unique chance to define the individual features of the Hungarian Bow.
In the aspect of reconstructing the Hungarian Bow, the material, form, structure and placement in the grave of the bow remnants are primary significance. The remaining well- or partially preserved horn bows of other nations, ethnographical similarities, the bow fabricating nations living traditions and the related written sources from the 14th century are secondary. Though these secondary information cannot overwrite the primary information from the actual Hungarian archaeology findings.
Up until today, no complete 9-11th century Hungarian Bow has been found. Although the horn bow reconstructions based on the found remnants and the experiments carried out with them have proved workability, usability and efficiency of the Hungarian Bow.
Magyar Íj-nak kizárólag olyan íj nevezhető, amely
1. vagy egy konkrét IX-XI. századi magyar íjmaradvány alapján készül (lásd: adattár – később), vagy
2. amelyet a IX-XI. századi magyar íjmaradványok elemzése során megállapított általános paraméterek (alak, arány, méret) szerint készítenek.
Mindezekhez kötött forma, alapanyag és készítéstechnika párosul.